Salt and Rust

"The Stain of Forgetting," 2014, Rust, salt, ink on paper, 15.5 x 17

"The Stain of Forgetting (3)," 2014, Rust, salt, ink on paper, 15.5 x 17 inches

"The Stain of Remembrance (3)," 2013, Rust and salt on paper, 24 x 18 inches

"Kasa," 2015, Rust, pencil, collage, 9x 12 inches

"The Stain of Remembrance," 2013, Salt, Rust, pencil, photo transfer, 29 x 43 inches (framed)

"The Stain of Remembrance (2)," 2013, Salt, Rust, pencil, photo transfer, 29 x 43 inches (framed)

"Residue," 2013, Salt, Ink on paper, 29 x 43 inches
The salt works on white paper are made of rust, saltwater, coral imagery, and a figure. The figure is either an image of my Lola done in photo transfer or pencil drawing, or figures from the Spanish 16th century text "The Boxer Codex."

"Peripheral Shadows," 2013, Rust and Salt on paper, 30 x 22 inches

"Yolanda (5)," 2014, Salt and pencil on black paper, 9 x 12 inches

"Yolanda (1)," 2014 9 x 12 inches salt collage pencil

"Yolanda (8)," 2014, pencil and salt on paper, 9 x 12 inches
In the "Yolanda" series, the imagery references news clips from the Super Typhoon Yolanda (2013), one of the most powerful tropical cyclones ever recorded which devastated part of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines.

"The Flood," 2014, Salt, pencil, black paper, 22 x 30 inches

"The Tide," 2015, black paper, salt crystals, found rope and branch, 11 x 3 x 5 feet
“The Tide” consists of a scroll of paper that was immersed in salt water for about a month. Over the course of the month, the water evaporated and crystallized the salt onto the paper. I was using salt in various projects as a metaphor for longing and preservation, regarding intergenerational, familial and terrestrial connections.

"From Dust You Came (2)", 2014, Salt crystals, silk, cups, 120 x 96 x 96"
I suspended silk strands from elevated vessels on the ceiling. Each vessel had salt water inside of it. Over time, the silk grew salt crystals, which continued to change in shape and color over the course of the month it was on view.

"Shore (2)," 2016, steel, 48 x 23.5 x 4.5 inches

"Shore", 2016, steel, water, plaster, 60 x 24 x 10.5 inches

"Shore", 2016, steel, water, plaster, 60 x 24 x 10.5 inches